"I would really like to tell you something…"
Welcome to the landing page for our addiction prevention project based on the film Memories of a Forgotten Childhood, a lingering examination of addiction in the parental home from the perspective of a child.
Movie Trailer
While father Rudi desperately tries to regain the lost family happiness at the slot machine, eleven-year-old Niklas is often alone with his alcoholic mother, Anna. Niklas is torn between his sense of duty to help his parents and his desire to escape his parental home.
Use of the film
Professionals, teachers, and volunteers who work with children need effective strategies for addressing this sensitive topic and promoting resilience. To support them, we offer a well-researched accompanying booklet that provides additional resources and assistance options for use with the film.
„Studies show that over 3 million children and young people in Germany – probably significantly more – have at least one parent with an addiction.“
Source: Brochure „Kinder aus suchtbelasteten Familien“ der Drogenbeauftragten der Bundesregierung, May 2017
Become a facilitator.
Beyond the use described above, specialized training sessions developed specifically based on the film are also offered. During the training, you will gain in-depth insights, receive additional supporting and professional materials, and be provided with individual access to the film for use in your prevention work. Dates and availability will be communicated upon request.
Interested in a training?
Register hereClick here for the movie
The film „Memories of a forgotten childhood“ by Lars Smekal is available as video-on-demand. There are two different use cases: would you like to show and use the film in your professional or voluntary work or would you like to watch it as a private person or with your family?